What to Consider Before Buying a Puppy!

english Oct 05, 2024

There’s so much more to consider when buying a puppy than just how cute they are. Making an informed decision is key to ensuring both you and your future dog live a happy, healthy life. Here are some important points to think about before you bring a new puppy home:


  1. Choose the Right Breed for Your Lifestyle
    It’s essential to find a breed that fits your lifestyle and living situation. Speaking with a knowledgeable dog instructor can help you find a breed that aligns with your daily routine and personal preferences. Choosing the wrong breed can lead to issues—not just for you, but also for the dog.


  1. Understand the Breed’s Health Risks
    Every breed has potential health issues, so it’s crucial to learn about the diseases and ailments commonly associated with your chosen breed. Ensure the breeder has performed all the necessary health screenings on the parent dogs to minimize the risk of health problems in the puppies. While even good breeders...
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WARNING! Not a tendon injury

english Sep 26, 2024

Hi, it’s really important to take a tendon injury in a dog seriously.
In this blog, I write a bit about tendon injuries and how to approach them. The occurrence might be higher than what is often detected, but knowledge about it can help you as an owner to think along the right lines if an accident happens. I hope you enjoy the article!

Tendon Injuries
Tendon injuries are usually serious and long-lasting. A tendonitis can also be prolonged. It's difficult to diagnose without MRI or ultrasound.


An old saying goes, "once a tendon injury, always a tendon injury." Most people would agree with this expression. The injury, regardless of cause, always results in a slight weakness in the dog's body. A tendon injury can occur suddenly due to abrupt, forceful movements, but it can also result from, for example, a blow or other direct trauma to the tendon, or repetitive heavy strain over time.


Signs of tendon/ligament injury can include:

  • Lameness
  • Swelling
  • Warmth
  • The tendon...
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Learn to treat a stiff shoulder in dogs with these techniques!

behandlig hund english Jul 11, 2024

As a dog owner, you may have experienced periods where your dog seems stiff and sore in the shoulder area. Perhaps not all exercises during training are as effective as before, or your dog takes shorter steps, or you simply feel that something is not quite right.

After all, the dog carries 60% of its body weight on the front part, so the shoulder joint is susceptible to injuries and overloading. Especially sled dogs can often develop tension in the shoulder area.

Most joints in the body have ligaments that support the joint on each side, but the shoulder joint lacks these ligaments. The joint capsule has ligaments inside that reinforce the joint internally, but it lacks external ligament reinforcement. This makes the shoulder joint more unstable than many other joints and entirely dependent on strong surrounding muscles to be stable.

The shoulder joint is formed between the upper part of the upper arm and the lower part of the shoulder blade. It is a ball-and-socket joint, capable...

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Common Health Problems In Dogs

english Jul 14, 2021

If you are a dog parent, you know how beautiful the experience of having a dog as a pet is. These furry canine friends bring positivity in your attitude with their cute cuddles and keep you healthy and active. Going with your pet for a walk or daily exercise keeps both of you in a physical state of well-being. But have you ever wondered what if your dog becomes ill? What are the common diseases in dogs? What are the possible outcomes of these diseases? What should you do for their treatment? Worry not; in this blog, we will tell you all the common heath problems your dog can suffer and their possible solutions. So scroll below to read more;

Common Health Problems in Dogs

There are many ailments and conditions which your dog can suffer from. Some of them do not pose a great deal of trouble to your canine fellow, while some can lead to a poor prognosis if not treated in time. Sometimes even a mild infection or cleanliness problem can lead to severe outcomes if not taken seriously. For...

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5 good reasons to trim your dog's nails on a regular basis!

english Dec 27, 2020

I felt like writing a bit about dog nail trimming. I know how quickly the days can go by – and the days can turn into weeks – before you remember to check your dog’s nails.

You may think that your dog will wear down its nails by itself or that it’s not so bad if they grow too long – but in reality, there are many reasons to keep an eye on nail length. Here are 5 good reasons:

  1. Keeping the nails short will prevent them from being pressed up against the toe when the dog walks. This is important during the rollover phase (where the toe is pressed down towards the ground as the dog takes a step forward). Long nails will put pressure on the small toe joints and your dog will be more likely to develop soreness – and, in a worst-case scenario, osteoarthritis.
  2. Your dog's nails are formed to point slightly towards the ground, so it can flex its toes to grip the surface or avoid slipping. But when the nails get too long, they will point further and...
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